Camping can be a fun family activity. This is especially true if you have the comforts of home with you. However, when choosing between a camper and a motorhome, there are some things to consider. At Maple Grove RV, we have a great selection of campers andĀ motorhomesĀ to choose from at our location in Bellevue, Washington which serves Seattle, Washington.
If you camp casually, a camper may be the best option. However, you may prefer a motorhome for full-time camping. Although there are some minivans that can tow certain campers, most campers require a truck for towing. If you don’t already own a truck, purchasing a truck with a camper may be more expensive than a motorhome. A towing vehicle allows you to leave your camper at the RV campsite for day trips and grocery runs.
Difference in Mileage
Unlike a camper, a motorhome can be driven without the assistance of a tow vehicle. They usually have a diesel engine that can get around 15 mpg. Although this may seem very low, towing a camper can cause an even lower gas mileage.
Difference in Price
When comparing a camper to a motorhome, there is a large difference in price. A large camper cost about $30,000. A motorhome that is on the smaller side can cost $50,000. If you only go on a few trips a year, a camper may be the best economical choice.
Motorhomes tend to depreciate at a faster rate than campers. Five years after purchase, campers will retain a value of 60% of their original value. Fifth-wheel travel trailers are an exception, though. Over a span of 10 years, they depreciate at a rate of 71%.
Additional Costs
Maintaining a motorhome comes with additional costs. A motorhome has standard amenities that need to be repaired from time to time. Due to the fact that it is a vehicle, it also needs to undergo routine inspections as well as oil changes.
Just like a motorhome, a camper will need insurance. Due to the fact that it doesn’t have an engine, the insurance for a camper is usually cheaper than insurance for a motorhome.
When deciding between a camper and a motorhome, you have to think about your lifestyle and how each option fits with it. Gas mileage may be something to consider when making your choice. You also have to consider your budget when making your decision. The additional costs that come with owning a camper or motorhome also have to be factored into your decision. If you are considering purchasing a camper or motorhome, you can visit Maple Grove RV. We are located in Bellevue, Washington and serve Seattle, Washington.